Be An Effective Mobile Phone Spy

Diposting oleh Felix Benny Aditya | 08.11 | | 1 komentar »

There are many ways to listen for important information that you can use in the future. Because most people own mobile phones, and because they are on the rise as a primary phone, it can be worth your while to learn to be a mobile phone spy. Private investigators and bounty hunters can use the techniques of a mobile phone spy in order to learn information for their clients and gather evidence. People can be quite unguarded while speaking on a cell phone; it can be the perfect way to hone your spying skills.

The effective mobile phone spy has the right equipment. Luckily, it is usually easier to get the right spy equipment in the cell phone department than it is in many other ways. Additionally, cell phone spy equipment is often less expensive than other equipment. If you are just getting your PI or bounty hunter business off the ground, starting out with some good cell phone bugging devices is a good way to start. It will help you get your feet wet and prove to clients that you have good equipment.

Another thing needed is to ensure that you do not miss important phone calls. For many a mobile phone spy, this ties right into having the right equipment. There are two different cell phone bugs that call you when a phone call is made. The Spy Matrix Cell Phone will give you a rig whenever a call is made, allowing you to listen in on the conversation without constantly checking to see if a call is being made. Likewise, basic cell phone bugs that share with the home phone can also call you whenever the phone line becomes active. This allows you to do more than one thing while waiting for the call.

Finally, the effective mobile phone spy has a means of recording the conversations she or he hears. This can be recording equipment attached to your end of the device, or it can be transmitted to a recording assembly (if you are using a phone that picks up signals near someone using a cell phone). It is always good to have the conversations available as evidence when you are a mobile phone spy.

by: Kingston Amadan

Health Insurance - Are You Covered?

Diposting oleh Felix Benny Aditya | 02.26 | | 0 komentar »

With the ever-increasing cost of health care, procedures and medicines, it's no wonder that the cost of health insurance has also dramatically risen over the past few years. But as that's happened, insurance companies and the government have seen the potential negative impact of families and individuals without insurance. There are some things you can do if you don't have health insurance.

A federal mandate requires that all 50 states have a health insurance program for children. Each state was allowed to create a plan tailored to the needs of children in that state, but there are some things that are the same from one state to the next. The first is eligibility.

Government funded health programs typically have very stringent income guidelines. These health insurance programs have income requirements, but the criteria allow higher income than most programs.

Another criteria for participation is that the child isn't covered by any other health insurance. That differs from most programs in a very important way. Most programs say that if the family has access to insurance, they aren't eligible. That means that parents who have employer-based insurance don't qualify. But many of the employer-based plans are too expensive, and workers sometimes simply can't afford the premiums. This program is designed to help fill that gap.

These programs don't cover families - only children. But there are some great benefits for those who qualify. Some states offer mental health benefits, transportation to and from appointments and dental/vision benefits.

If your children don't qualify for this program, or if you're in the market for individual health insurance for an adult or private insurance for a family, you have some options. Even though insurance is typically very expensive, you can take some steps to control costs.

You can eliminate extras such as vision and dental coverage, and increase deductibles to lower the cost of your insurance premiums. Look for policies that don't include maternity benefits and cancer plans as more affordable general health insurance plans. Basic coverage will likely be less expensive than an all-inclusive health insurance program.

Finally, shop before you make a decision. Even if you're offered employer-based insurance, you might find a better deal elsewhere (depending on the amount of employer participation). Look to professional groups for discounts and advice.
by: Jeff Lakie